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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Compilation of Avery's 1st few months of life

A Compilation of Avery's 1st few months of life
Summer 2008

Avery in his mamas arms ...a favorite place of his...and sleeping...believe me ..he really doesn't do this ALL the time...shhhh...he's telling you...I'm trying to sleep!!

Summer 2008
OUR Story......Avery's story...OUR New life and family!!!

Psalm 139:13
For you created my inmost being;

you knit me together in my mother's womb;
"Avery's arrival is a miracle to us from the beginning, and we know he will remain our little miracle and we thank God for giving him to us" ~ME...Grace

A little Background....Avery is our ninth pregnancy and forth child..we have had 5 miscarriage...Avery is a true miracle to our family as are ALL our children:)

I developed severe preeclampsia, fluid around my lungs and heart, and it was also discovered that I had a heart condition. have a clotting disorder that I had been receiving a blood thinner for throughout my pregnancy...they never could get me to a therapeutic level...continue to read our story thought the coming months and you will learn why... Avery Aaron was born 2 months early. He arrived June 27, 2008 at 3:53 pm by emergency c-section, weighing 3 lbs 7 oz and was 16 3/4 inches long. "Avery's arrival is a miracle to us from the beginning,and we know he will remain our little miracle and we thank God for giving him to us. Avery has not needed any breathing assistance/intervention and has responded from the start in the appropriate ways you should expect from a 3lb, 32/33 week gestation baby." ~

First of many updates for Avery and OUR family journey...July 2008
Joe and I would like to thank you all for praying for us during this pregnancy and the last several weeks. Your prayers/support /meals and help with our other kids are appreciated more than you could know. We know we have a God of miracles and we trust that God will continue to carry us through.

At this time we would like to share with you another prayer request for our son Avery and for our family. With preemies under 32 weeks there are certain tests done, one of them being a head ultra sound, although Avery was delivered at just 32 weeks he had a head ultra sound due to our medical history of Anti-Thrombin Three Deficiency (clotting disorder). The results of the ultra sound revealed that Avery has a hemorrhage on the left side of his brain, a second ultra sound yesterday confirmed that the hemorrhage is in the paryenchema portion of the brain. There is no bleeding in the ventricles or on the right side of his brain. It is unclear at this time if Avery had a Thrombosis (blood clot) first, that now appears just as a hemorrhage. We have met with a neurologist from Children's Hospital. He performed a neurological exam on Avery, he said that Avery's exam was actually what one would expect from a preemie of Avery's age. Avery did not show any physical signs of a hemorrhage .The neurologist has reviewed these tests with other specialist and hematologists at Children's. They are all recommending a MRV/MRA (special MRI tests) to be performed today.

Avery will need to be transferred to Children's hospital to have these tests done and have the specialists evaluate him. We are not sure if he will be admitted there or come back to St. Elizabeth's. It all depends on the findings of the tests today.

Your continued prayers and support are appreciated. We will do our best to keep you informed. At this time my Mom has been taking care of our kids and has been at our house. Please understand that she may not always have current information and won't always be able to answer your questions in regards to Avery's progress. We also ask that you understand if we do not respond to your e-mails or phone calls right away.

The newest member of our family...born June 27,2008...A blessing and a miracle from OUR God! Dad, Mom and Avery Aaron Austin.... @ Children's.....

**Newest** pic of Avery added July 8, 2008

Our littlest bundle of LOVE ..a gift from God above....Avery with ...Mom,Tyler,and Children's Hospital Boston!!

**Newest** Avery pic added July 8, 2008

Avery was 2 months early and weighed 3lbs 7 oz.....OUR littlest blessing!

Friday, July 4, 2008 3:39 PM

Hello All,
We have met with the neurologist/hematologist and team this morning. The MRI has revealed that Avery has in fact had a large clot and stroke on the left side of his brain. The hematologist has said that in his 20 years specializing in clots , he has only seen one other family with a complex medical history. They said our history is so complex that they need to look more at Andrew and his stroke history, Andrew will be having blood work done tomorrow .

They also need to look more closely at my history and get blood work done on myself and possible Joe as well. Basically because this is an extremely unusual case they are wanting as much information as they can get, before determining what treatment action they should be taking with Avery.

Avery will be having an Echo Cardiogram tomorrow and an ultra sound of his stomach area today, to see if there are any clots that have formed, after getting all that medication out of his system from the MRI last night. Avery has been doing good Physically. He was very alert this morning and I was able to hold him for a while.

Please continue to pray for us and the doctors as we all try to understand Avery's condition and treat him properly. Please pray for our other kids as I'm sure it is somewhat overwhelming to have mom and dad away from home and a new little brother who is sick.

Thanks again for all you are doing for our family.

With Hope, Prayer and HIS Understanding
Grace, Joe and Avery

PS....Sorry if I don't make a lot of sense we are still trying to process all of this information and then put it into words that we may not even understand.

Saturday, July 5, 2008 12:09 PM

Today Avery had a busy day did all of us. It started with and Echo of his heart , repeat head ultra sound and an ultra sound of his tummy.... the preliminary results of the echo showed a PFO something all baby's may have(some kind of hole) but they typically clear it up themselves...the echo was really to see if he had any clots or if the structure of his heart was abnormal (which he had no clots and structure was normal) .....the tummy ultra sound appears okay according to preliminary results head ultra sound appeared stable(the same as before).

The kids came in today with Grandma and Ruth ...they were all happy to see their brother....Tyler really has been missing Avery and was thrilled that he had the special treat of holding him. Avery was so content and wide eyed while Tyler held him(pics to come of this event), which nobody else is able to do other than Joe and I.

Andrew and I had blood work done, which we hope to have those results tomorrow , but likely Monday. Andrew was really thrilled to be able to help his brother by giving his blood(he doesn't really understand that they just need the blood to better understand Avery's situation...he thinks Avery will get his blood!!!) Devynn and Tyler both read stories to Avery .... Mom was able to Kangaroo Avery today, we both could stay like that for hours.

Avery's weight was 3lbs 13 oz tonight which is a great thing to see him gaining wt. He has has been trying to master the holding of the Binky and not doing to bad theses sucking skills will help with breast feeding.

Well that's all for now ...I need some sleep!! Thanks to all for your continued support and prayers! Picture to come computer guy is already asleep!!!

With Hope, Prayer and HIS Understanding, Grace, Joe and Avery

July 8, 2008

Hello All Friends & Family,

It is Tuesday morning....we hope to have some more answers from the docs today. As of yesterday they are still awaiting other results of tests and information from Andrew's docs, before giving us concrete answers....Avery is doing great physically, even better than one would expect of not only a preemie, but one with a severe stroke (keep those prayers coming) ....with that being said, one of our hopes is that Avery will be moved to Good Sams by the end of the really depends on what they determine is needed for treatment in regards to his stroke. If they decide to just watch/wait and follow him, we would like to do that a little closer to long as he remains stable.(keep praying)

Sunday Avery was visited by his Auntie Carrie & Uncle Steve...Auntie Carrie was amazed by the diaper size, just s much as Avery's size. Uncle Kevin and Big brother Andrew also visited. With some assistance, Andrew read some of a book to Avery and was really proud.

We also had a nice visit with Pastor Bernie along with some prayer time with us.
Monday Avery met his Noni, and was greeted with love, kisses and of course many pictures (those to follow soon)....Big brother Tyler came in and couldn't seem to get enough of his little brother.

On another note Avery nursed twice yesterday and did really well, the breast feeding nurse was pleased with how well he did as were we of course he had a cheering/support committee of Dad, Noni and Brother.

Last night he had his first little Tigger/Pooh outfit put on for bed...he looked so cute...the nurses took pictures and sang him the Tigger song!!!

We can't thank you all enough for all the support of prayers, meals, & words of encouragement, along with visits... all these things we have received and our Awesome God has really kept us going. I would also like to Thank my Mom so much for all she has done to take care of our kids for the last couple of week sand any others who have helped out also is really appreciated! more thing if anyone tries to call my cell may not get me, as my phone is missing, I am not sure what happened to it....hopefully I will find it today

With Hope, Prayer and His Understanding,
Grace, Joe,Andrew, Tyler, Devynn & Avery Austin

Wednesday, July 9, 2008 3:46 PM

Hello All,

Today is Wed and Avery has been transported to Good Sam's in Brockton late yesterday afternoon, he did okay during transport ,but was not real happy when he got here(I think from being pocked at, and he could have had a head ache from the ride,as it is easy for him to to get due to his stroke ). He was fine once we changed him and mom held him and dad talked to him !

Avery's condition is stable and we are still with out answers to why Avery had a severe stroke, we are being followed closely by hematology /neurology and a neonatoligist at Children's. The Dr's also want to do research on me and my clotting deficiency due to our family history.

Avery is going to start physical therapy today, for his right sided weakness (due to the stroke on the left side of his brain) and likely continue at early intervention and a program at Children's hospital. Joe and I are really happy to have Avery closer to home,however the kids are not thrilled, because they are not allowed to go in and see Avery (hospital policy)...please keep them in your prayers.

Avery has breast fed now about 5-6 times and is doing better each time, we hope to have the feeding tube out in the near future.

Thanks again for all you have done for our family!

With, Hope, Prayer and His Understanding,
Grace,Joe, Andrew, Tyler and Devynn

PS....Still no phone Joe is reporting it to our phone company,I will let you know when I have a new #!!

Friday, July 11, 2008 6:38 PM

**AVERY has to go back to Children's**

Avery had two follow-up Head Ultrasounds today, the 2nd to confirm the 1st, and it was discovered that he has a bleed on the right side of his brain now and the clot on the left side is bigger than before. The blood is now in his ventricles which can cause problems, if left alone. He is being transported back to Children's Hospital tonight for further testing. He will need to have another MRA/MRV (MRI variations). If it is determined that the bleeding is still occurring, then he may need to have a shunt put in to alleviate the pressure on his brain.

Avery continues to appear fine on the physical front. He is learning to breastfeed very well and is taking in all of his feedings. He is doing everything he should be for a baby his age. The Doctor noticed a little weakness on his right side, but said that it has gotten better in the few days he has been at the Good Samaritan.

On another note, Grace has been having more swelling in her feet and her blood pressure has been elevated, although it appears normal so far today.

Please continue to pray for Avery and Grace.

Your brother in Christ,

Sunday, July 13, 2008 5:32 PM

Hello All,

Avery had a MRA/MRV (MRI variations) yesterday which he cooperated good for. We were given so much information, the below is an over view of what is happening.

The MRI confirmed the two ultra sounds Avery had on Friday; he in fact does have a bleed on the right side of his brain and veinous thromboses, that is also in the tissue and clots in the ventricles, and the the clot on the left side is bigger than before. Avery has started on FFP- Fresh Frozen Plasma (no not the TV) Plasma is a lipid part of the blood, this is given in the event he he has another clotting disorder they are missing. This plasma, provides At3, protein c, and many others.

The Neonatologist-Neurologist whom specializes in infant stokes said he is extremely worried about Avery, as he has never seen a cause where there is a severe bleed on one side and hemorrhage on the other, along with a history such as ours. The hematologist came by this morning to tel us that he received the pathology report from the placenta ,which revealed several clots in it, that could possible explain the first stroke , but not the second. He like the Neurologist still remains baffled.

Yesterday we signed papers to start the research study on Andrew. Avery and myself also had blood work done, we will do what ever we have to to help them better understand and possibly even to help someone else along the way.

Avery continues to appear fine on the physical front, still some right sided weakness, but certainly way less than what you would expect from such injury to the brain . He is learning to breastfeed very well and maintaining his body temp. He is doing everything he should be for a baby his age.

The swelling in my feet and my blood pressure has been elevated, please pray for that .

Please pray for our other kids and also Joe & I, as it is really difficult, when we feel pulled in many directions and as we process all that is happening. Please pray for the nurse and the doctors as they care for Avery.

God is Good all the time....

With Hope. Prayer and His Understanding,
Grace, Joe and Family

The proudest BIG sister there could ever be!!!! Devynn with Avery & Dad!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008 9:40 PM

Hello All,

Today is Tuesday.....Avery continues to baffle all the doctors, he remains on plasma(liquid blood product).Avery had an ultra sound done yesterday to see if there were any changes, the results showed that the ventricles were a little larger(from blood) , but otherwise it was unchanged from last Friday. They will do another ultra sound tomorrow to monitor the injuries and watch for changes.

Avery will not be able to be on plasma for an extensive period of time. The Dr's hope to have more of a plan by the beginning of next week if the ultra sounds don't change. Depending on the ultra sounds,there is a chance he either has to have surgery (a shunt) or will start At3 injections, but if that is the case, we won't know for at least a week.

I will be having more blood work done,and I kinda hope that it shows something that will help the Dr's make a decisions that will help very and help us better understand his injuries.

Avery continues to do well feeding,he has had some visitors, over the last few days and all of which were really happy to be able to have a chance to hold him.
As of today his weight is 4lbs 4oz....Amen!!!

Praise God for all the blessings we have received and for all the ways he shows himself to us each day, through this little life he has placed in our family!.

Many thanks and prayers to all who have been there and supported us...we appreciate everything.

With Hope,prayers and His Understanding,
Grace, Joe, Andrew,Tyler, Devynn and Avery
The Austins ;)

Friday, July 18, 2008 8:45 AM

Hello All Our Friends, Family and Prayer Warriors,

It is Thursday night about 11:30 and I thought I'd send a brief update.

We spoke with the NICU team and hematology team today (Thursday), we will be speaking with the whole team including Neurology tomorrow(Friday).Please keep us all in your prayers as some decisions are made tomorrow regarding Avery's treatment plan for the next 4-6weeks (we will send more information about the plan after our meeting). Avery will also have a PT evaluation tomorrow as well(we were suppose to see PT at Good Sam's ,but plans change).

Avery has now been without any tube feed for over 24 hours and is doing well, he had all his feedings last night by bottle(breast milk)and all other feedings, he breast fed and continues to do well. He continues to gain weight, not sure of the conversion from grams to ounces, but I know it was more than 4bs 5ozs.

On another note we want to say, thank you so much for all of you who send words of encouragement our way on the website, or by e-mail . We check the site as often as we can and it really warms our hearts to read all the prayers, thoughts and words you send our way, so thank you and may God continue to Bless you all as we are blessed to have you in our lives!!

With Hope, Prayers and HIS Understanding,
The Austin's; Grace, Joe, Andrew, Tyler, Devynn and Avery

PS....For anyone who didn't hear...I have found my phone....would you believe was in my bag...yes the one I looked in at least 20 times!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008 3:57 PM

It's been a while since we've had any new news about Avery, so here it is. We just got out of a meeting of the minds with the NICU, Hematology and Neurology Doctors. The last MRI shows that the clots on the left side of his brain have begun breaking down and blood flow has been reestablished. It still has a way to go before it is cleared up completely, but this is certainly good news. It was stated in the meeting, by one of the Hematologists, that this was unexpected and they would have been happy if the results had been unchanged and stable. (Can you say Divine Intervention? - I can!!)

He has been taken off of the plasma and put on just an AT3 supplement 3 times a week, via an IV. The last Head Ultrasound revealed that the right ventricle has not been expanding and has even shrunk slightly, which indicates that the drainage aqueduct is functioning. He will continue having ultrasounds every couple days or so and will be checked daily for physical signs of anything new like an expanding head circumference and a change in vital signs. That being said, they would like him to stay in Children's until at least the end of NEXT week.

They are still waiting on the results from the Gene Sequencing (DNA Related) research to give them the best overall picture of what is going on now and what steps need to be taken going forward. If he needs to continue getting AT3, then they will need to insert a Broviac catheter. A Broviac catheter is SURGICALLY placed directly into a central vein, usually in the neck, upper chest or groin. The catheter proceeds to a position just above the heart. The reason for this is to prevent him from being stuck several times when inserting an IV line. He was stuck 4 times the last time they tried to get one in and he is running out of veins to use. There are other risks involved with this procedure, but the pros out-weigh the cons. (Most importantly, he can come HOME with it!!)

So the plans to send him home will have to wait at least until next week, when the picture will hopefully be more clear. They do not believe that he will need to be sent to a closer hospital, so the preliminary plan is to send him directly home from Children's, whenever that might be. Avery continues to show no physical issues and is still eating, breathing, regulating his temperature and so on without assistance of any kind. Praise GOD!!

I have been singing "Jesus Loves You" to him every day. I want him to always remember who has been bringing him/us through this.

Your Family in Christ,Joe, Grace, Andrew, Tyler, Devynn and Avery

Saturday, July 26, 2008 4:13 PM

Hello All,

I went in the room this morning to find Avery was back in an incubator....

due to needing his temp to be more regulated(I was a little upset....because of this setback)...but Trusting God knows best and I am relying on his understanding ,not my own.

The last few days we have noticed that Avery's temp has been low, we would bundle him extra, however some blood was drawn overnight and showed his hematocrit levels are low(red blood cell count) and his heart rate drop a couple of times during the night. When the team does rounds today ,they may decide he needs a blood transfusion.....although once in the incubator his temp went back up...Please pray that his levels come back up and that he is once again able to maintain his temp....

Avery had another ultra sound yesterday ,that showed to be unchanged(that's good) means that there is no more signs of Hydrocephalus (is the name for any increase in the volume of fluid surrounding or inside the brain. Excessive pressure caused by excess fluid can cause long-term neurological damage)....he will continue to have ultra sounds every couple days to watch for this.

Avery's weight last night was 4lbs 11oz(Praise God) his length is 18 1/4 inches ......He continues to breast feed all during the day and bottle fed at night(with breast milk) ....last night he didn't eat as good...probably due to his low temp....

The doctors are still waiting on the AT3 sequencing results...they thought they had preliminary ones back yesterday ,that showed something ,but it turns out it was not data they could rely on and they have to run the test again(takes a couple weeks for results).....we are praying they do show something that could help the docs make a more informed decision about long term treatment.

On another note...many have asked how I am doing.....O

verall I am doing swelling seems to be pretty much gone...some days I may notice some. I have lost allot of fluid weight(Amen to that )...still have a ways to go....(weight wise...but it will come off )

I continue to take the medication for my heart and my injections for the AT3........I am taking it one day at a time(with Gods help).I have need to get an echo soon, and see the cardiologist, then we can see what happens from there.....

Please pray for the other family's that have kids in the NICU ....God has definitely used us to talk of HIM .... we have had many opportunity's to offer prayer for them and talk to them of Gods good ,and how he asks us to Trust him and HIS understanding,not our own...even in all our trials!!

Thank you for your continued prayers, support, phone calls and visits....

With Hope,Prayers and His Understanding,
Grace, Joe and Family

Monday, July 28, 2008 1:39 PM

Good Morning All,

Avery is back in a big boy bed.....Yippee!!!!

Over the weekend he was again able to be extra bundled and maintain his body temp.
His red blood levels are low...but they do not think he needs a transfusion at this time..Amen.
I meet with hematology yesterday and she said that they hope to have a going home plan this week(maybe even without a Broviac line put in)

We will have another head ultra sound tomorrow (Tuesday)....and hopefully Wed/Thurs have a family meeting about Avery going home soon. When home he will have frequent appointments and start early intervention along with aggressive therapy at Children's. They will monitor him closely and decide what is the best long term treatment.....

Avery was ONE month old yesterday and we thank God for each one of those days.....
Yesterday all the kids came into visit and we had a nice day, Avery was held by his siblings and is seeming to be more alert during the course of the day Andrew,Tyler and Devynn can't wait to have him home....neither can Joe and I..that means I can go home too......

He weighed 4lbs 12 oz last night.....Go Avery!!

Well I gotta go....I have to shower and then fed that hungry boy!!!

I will write more soon and hopefully with more of an idea of going home plans!!

Thanks for all the prayers....keep them coming!!!!

With Hope,Prayer and HIS Understanding,
Grace, Joe & All our Little People

Wednesday, July 30, 2008 9:18 AM

Hello All,

Just a brief message....

It is after midnight on Monday night/Tuesday morn, as I write this....I just got finished feeding the hungry boy!!!

Avery is once again back in his little studio apartment(AKA...his isolet/incubator)....his body temp continues to drop down(mostly at night).

We don't want this ...because if his temp dropping it could cause his heart rate to drop(which it did briefly today) and if that happens he then he may have to have a blood transfusion.

Avery's weight was down a little tonight.....although he eats like a champ!!

He has his ultra sound tomorrow....I pray it continues to be stable and his body temp is maintained....

Please pray that the Hematology team can come up with a treatment/discharge plan soon.....

Good night...Blessing and Love to all!

With Hope,Trust,Prayer and HIS Understanding,
Grace,Joe and All our Little People

Thursday, July 31, 2008 10:20 AM


Good Morning All,

I am going to try to make this

cause I have to get back upstairs!

Avery will be having surgery today to put in a Broviac line(central IV line). We got a phone call in our room at 6:40 am, saying he will be the OR at 7:30, as it turns out he was bumped to 8:30 and then bumped again.

We are not sure at this time, what time this morning it will be,we hope soon he is an NPO (He can't eat anything....and is not real happy about it)....we are taking turns holding him (Joe and I) until it is time.

Please pray for the DR's and all involved.

Avery's red blood cell count remains low,he had levels done this morning that showed he has trouble making red blood cells(I think that's what they said), he will likely have a transfusion today. He remains on iron and vitamins.

We also asked about his hypothalamus and if it was affected ,from his brain injury (some of what the hypothalamus controls is body temperature, hunger, thirst,).
They will be looking at that and his thyroid level, among other things they will look closely at and monitor.

Well I gotta go.....I will update when I can....keep us in your prayers today, as always we appreciate them all.

With Hope,Trust and HIS Understanding,
Grace, Joe and Family

Thursday, July 31, 2008 7:07 PM

Hey All,

Avery is in surgery as I write this brief blurb at 3:15. It will likely last about 2 hours including prep time....

Keep the prayers coming they have really helped him all day(and us).

He has been such a good boy....not happy about not being fed, but he was not as cranky as I would have expected....

I know I wouldn't be happy going 12 hours with no food....

I will update you later ,as to how he did anad how he is doing!!

With Hope ,Trust and HIS Understanding,
Grace, Joe and Family

Friday, August 1, 2008 8:55 AM

Good Evening All,

It is after 9:00 pm on Thursday......

Avery is recovering from the successful surgery.....Praise God!!

Below is a little summery of the surgery.....

A soft plastic catheter was put in through a small incision, in the neck area. The surgeon tunneled the catheter under the skin of the chest wall. The catheter comes out of the skin near the breastbone. A small felt cuff is attached to the catheter that lies just beneath the skin. Scar tissue grows into this cuff, holding the catheter in place and acting as a barrier against infection.

This Broviac was inserted ,due to the need for long term AT3 treatment at home.

Avery did very well during the surgery and and even had the intubation tube removed prior to returning to the NICU....

He woke up to want to eat at about 8:30 ish.....he did good eating for just getting out of surgery.

We expect it may take him a little while to get back into his normal eating schedule....we will let him tell us when he's hungry. He continues on the IV fluids, pain medication and he will be starting on an anti platelet medication twice a day.

One of the biggest concerns with a Broviac line, is please pray that we stay free and clear of infections.

In the next few days Joe and I will be learning how to take care of the line,so we can do it at home. Avery will, however, have a nurse come out to administer the medication.

If Avery can maintain his temp and he gains weight in the next few days , we may be able to bring him home next week.....

No clue, when next week ,maybe the middle or end of the week .

Praise God....and Thanks again for all the prayers and support!!

Trusting in HIM,
Grace, Joe and Family

PS....I love reading all your messages to us....we look forward to them and it really helps keep going!!!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008 3:45 PM


Hello All,

It's Tuesday August 5..... my how time has gone by....
Avery is over a month old... It's hard to believe he wasn't even suppose to be born until this month.

Avery has been doing good since his surgery, he had his dressing changed yesterday..... we have been learning how to give the heparin flushes and how the AT3 is administered.....

The discharge coordinator and nurse manager have been working on the fine details, for going home. We have had a few bumps these past few days and there is allot to be worked out but ..our goal is Friday. (So we can celebrate Joe's Birthday as a family)

Avery had some bloody stools, which they think is caused from the aspirin he started on Thursday. Aspirin can be tough on the stomach, so they started him on zantac to see if it will help. He has had only microscopic blood in his stools since they started the zantac.

Hematology feels that they don't want the blood in his stools to be the reason he remains here (caused from the aspirin they prescribed). So if the blood continues they will stop the aspirin for a period of time and we will discuss it at a later date.

Avery's temp these last few days have been good...... the docs looked at the past MRI's to see if his infarct (brain injury) affected his hypothalamus( the area which can help regulate your temp)....the MRI's showed that it did not affect his hypothalamus.

They are still not really happy with the pace in which he gains they cut my breast feeding to only twice a day. He will get my breast milk in a bottle with extra calories (from formula).

Joe and I are not really happy with this decision... but we will do what we have to do get him home.

However his weight last night was 5lbs 1 oz...... go Avery!!!!

His last ultra sound showed to be unchanged/stable and they do not need to do any more while he is in patient. He will have follow up ultra sounds as an out patient. He will also have MRI's as an out patient as well.

Anyway I think that's all for now...... We can't wait for you to all meet our little miracle boy..he is a blessing..... and so are all of you!!!

Trusting HIM,
Grace, Joe, Andrew, Tyler, Devynn and Avery

Sunday, August 10, 2008 10:52 AM

AVERY IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Praise the Lord!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008 11:47 AM

Hello All,

It is Tuesday and we are all adjusting to life at home with Avery. Including the broken sleep we are receiving, however at this time we welcome it, since it means Avery and myself are home. He had his appointment at the pediatrician’s office yesterday and all went well. The need to be closely monitored for further strokes was discussed as well as the need for frequent ultra sounds and other tests. Avery will have frequent visits and weigh-ins…. He weighed 5lbs 81/2 oz and was 19 inches long. Avery will be seeing his Neurologist next week and Hematologist the week after and the week after that he has a visit with the Audiologist (since he failed his hearing test in the Left ear).

I have been doing his heparin flushes, through his Broviac 3 times a day, which is going fine. The nurses will continue to visit and administer the AT3 on M/W/F.

We were thrilled to be able to visit with family members in our own home, some for the first time since Avery’s birth!!

It was nice to be back at church on Sunday and see many people who have faithfully been praying for us!!

As for me I am doing good, like I said above, adjusting to life, now with 4 kids and a house that hadn’t seen real attention from me in over 2 month (since I was on bed rest prior to delivery). Even though my Mom has been great in keeping certain things up, there is mail to open, school paper work to do and deep cleaning, among other things, that need my attention. However, I am learning fast to prioritize and pace myself.

Today I have one of my doctor appointments and more to come in the weeks ahead.

Thanks again to everyone ……God is good all the time!

Well I gotta go .. Avery calls!!

Love & Blessings,
Grace, Joe, and Kids

OKAY that was our NICU stay ...... SUMMER 2008

And NOW ....I am trying to compile 10 months worth of data and write it in a readable fashion.

So please be patient....enclosed is a couple months and I will be adding the remaining months until I get to NOW June/July 2009.....

Avery is an absolute blessing and has helped our other children mature and grow in amazing ways. We praise God for all of them.

With you in Christ,

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I will "Walk by Faith,even when I can not see"
I hear this song even when it's not being played..."Trust In the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him" a verse that reminds me that by trusting God...I am giving HIM all control;even with out understanding what that might mean....which brings us back to "Walking by Faith" ...Amazing Grace is a song;that as a child I thought was sang just about me for me...Well that's far from true..."Amazing Grace how sweet the sound, that saved a wrench like me,I was lost but now and found was blind but now I see.....oh Amazing Grace,so Amazing"I am NOT Amazing Grace...but continue to be Amazed by The Grace of God in my life and my hope is for you to see and watch my life and maybe even find the Faith,Trust and Grace that Only God can give you!